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Mongolian interesting facts №1

1. Mongolia is a country with diverse geographical features and holds several impressive world records. With a population of 3.3 million people residing in an area of 1.5 million square kilometers, Mongolia has set a world record for the largest area per capita. 2. The country is home to various mountain ranges, with the highest peak being the "Friendship" peak of Altai five bogd, standing at 4374 meters. In contrast, the shore of Khokh Lake, at 560 meters below sea level, is the lowest point in Mongolia. 3. The Mongolian Altai Mountains house the westernmost point, Moolt Mountain, at an altitude of 3243.6 meters. The easternmost point lies 7.1 kilometers northeast of Soyolz mountain, featuring a wooded nose with the border mark 539 of the elevation 1290. The northernmost point is the Mongolia Shary Pass of the Great Sayan Range. 4. The first point of the border, Orvog Cape, is Bor head. On the eastern edge of Khuvsgul Lake, the mountain with the longest name in Mongolia is S

Mongolian national food and drink №2 Aarts


Mongolian "aarts" or "airag," which is a traditional fermented milk product that is widely consumed in Mongolia and other Central Asian countries.

Aarts is made by fermenting mare's milk using lactic acid bacteria. It has a sour taste, with a slightly alcoholic flavor due to the fermentation process. It is often consumed during the summer months when mare's milk is more readily available. Mongolian nomads who raise horses and other livestock rely on aarts as a source of nutrition and hydration.

The process of making aarts is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. First, mare's milk is collected and poured into a large leather sack known as a "khukhuur." The sack is then tied to the side of a yurt or other structure, and left to ferment for several days. During this time, the milk naturally sours and begins to bubble as the lactic acid bacteria break down the lactose.

Once the fermentation process is complete, the aarts is strained to remove any solids or impurities, and then chilled before it is consumed. Aarts can be consumed straight or mixed with other ingredients, such as sugar, salt, or tea.

In addition to its unique flavor, aarts is also known for its nutritional value. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, potassium, and vitamins B and C. It is also high in protein, with one liter of aarts containing around 2-3 grams of protein.

While aarts is a beloved traditional food in Mongolia, it is also gaining popularity in other parts of the world. In recent years, aarts has been exported to countries such as Japan, Korea, and China, where it is marketed as a health drink or functional food. Aarts is also becoming popular among tourists who visit Mongolia, as it is considered a cultural experience to try this traditional food.

In conclusion, aarts is a unique and important part of Mongolian culture and cuisine. While it may not be widely known outside of Central Asia, it is a beloved and nutritious food that has sustained nomadic communities for centuries. If you have the chance to try aarts, I would definitely recommend giving it a try!

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Mongolian interesting facts №1

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