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Mongolian interesting facts №1

1. Mongolia is a country with diverse geographical features and holds several impressive world records. With a population of 3.3 million people residing in an area of 1.5 million square kilometers, Mongolia has set a world record for the largest area per capita. 2. The country is home to various mountain ranges, with the highest peak being the "Friendship" peak of Altai five bogd, standing at 4374 meters. In contrast, the shore of Khokh Lake, at 560 meters below sea level, is the lowest point in Mongolia. 3. The Mongolian Altai Mountains house the westernmost point, Moolt Mountain, at an altitude of 3243.6 meters. The easternmost point lies 7.1 kilometers northeast of Soyolz mountain, featuring a wooded nose with the border mark 539 of the elevation 1290. The northernmost point is the Mongolia Shary Pass of the Great Sayan Range. 4. The first point of the border, Orvog Cape, is Bor head. On the eastern edge of Khuvsgul Lake, the mountain with the longest name in Mongolia is S

Mongolian interesting facts №1

1. Mongolia is a country with diverse geographical features and holds several impressive world records. With a population of 3.3 million people residing in an area of 1.5 million square kilometers, Mongolia has set a world record for the largest area per capita.

2. The country is home to various mountain ranges, with the highest peak being the "Friendship" peak of Altai five bogd, standing at 4374 meters. In contrast, the shore of Khokh Lake, at 560 meters below sea level, is the lowest point in Mongolia.

3. The Mongolian Altai Mountains house the westernmost point, Moolt Mountain, at an altitude of 3243.6 meters. The easternmost point lies 7.1 kilometers northeast of Soyolz mountain, featuring a wooded nose with the border mark 539 of the elevation 1290. The northernmost point is the Mongolia Shary Pass of the Great Sayan Range.

4. The first point of the border, Orvog Cape, is Bor head. On the eastern edge of Khuvsgul Lake, the mountain with the longest name in Mongolia is Saravchlaga kveshshin-uuri sardag. Meanwhile, the sand of Boorogdel is the largest occupying area, stretching 45 kilometers wide and 180 kilometers long.

5. Mongolia boasts 33 famous Gobi areas, and the largest among them is Galb Gobi, occupying most of the area of Hanbogd Sum in Umungov Province. It is more than 50 kilometers wide, 200 kilometers long, and occupies an area of over 70,000 square kilometers.

6. The southern margin of the Earth's permafrost, according to geographers, is at Erdenetsogt Sum area of Bayankhongor Province. Located at 46°17' north latitude on the southwestern tip of Daragt Mountain, this place is considered the southernmost edge of the continental shelf of the Northern Hemisphere.

7. Mongolia's largest plain, the Dornod Plain, covers an area of 250 square kilometers. The plain, situated in Matad and Khalkh Gol Sum of Dorno Province, is flat as a table and lacks hills, swans, or any other significant landscape feature.

8. Umnogovi province is the largest province in Mongolia, covering an area five times larger than Belgium, four times more than Holland, and equal to countries like Denmark and Austria. The province is also home to several deposits with the largest number of dinosaur eggs, including Bayanzag, Olgoi, Ulaantsav, and Buguiin Tsav in Gurvantes and Bulgan regions. These sites contain hundreds of fossilized eggs, 10-15 centimeters long, that are almost intact and are now displayed in various museums worldwide, including Ulaanbaatar, Moscow, Warsaw, and New York.

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